It is a known fact that Thailand is an LGBT Paradise ๐จโค๐๐จ Of course, I've always felt safe being gay, no matter where I go and what I do in Thailand. But are you confused about whether gay youth in Thailand will still face bullying in schools? I'm proud to say that all kinds of discrimination against LGBT people are under-control in Thailand ๐ฌ
In Thailand, we are less likely to have intolerance when educating because of the flexible attitudes of people and strong LGBT-friendly rights ๐ฌ Thailand has progressed with the strong LGBT movement, and the last few years brought a significant amount of changes in means of every aspect, especially in education through LGBT-friendly strategies and attitudes ๐จโค๐๐จ
Therefore today, I thought to talk about what all you need to know about the safety of our community children to get a good education and what Thailand has done to achieve a big step towards LGBT-friendly education with a stress-free environment. So then, let's find out!
๐ณ๏ธ๐ Fun fact
According to universal human rights principles, every human being has the right to education. Bullying and harassment can pollute this right by stopping the attendance and participation in the school of those impacted and the quality of learning and school life more broadly.
Bullying is a form of repeated negative behavior that causes harm to an individual through unwanted words or actions, and the victim may have difficulty putting a stop to the behavior ๐จโค๐๐จ So while making an effort to deal with all the challenges of being a teenager, our gay teens also have to deal with harassment, hazards, and violence directed at them daily ๐ฌ
In many Western contexts, over half of LGBT students noted having been bullied because of their same-sex attraction or transgender attitudes. So, most students frequently try to protect themselves from violence and pressure by hiding their desires from their friends and families ๐จโค๐๐จ
But, Thailand is consistently recognized by foreigners and some of its community as very adoptive of sexual and gender diversity. There have been many kinds of research on school bullying in Thailand. Still, there is little informal evidence on bullying, mainly targeting students who are or are recognized as gay. So, we hope it will create a 100% safe environment for us to learn and achieve our targets in Thailand soon ๐นโค๏ธ๐น
Schools are a relatively unfavorable environment for us as gays, no matter where we choose to study in the world. Bullying based on actual or distinguished sexual exposure or gender identity/expression has been observed as a common problem violating sexual and gender minority students’ rights and impeding educational achievements ๐ฌ
Here, violence involves being gossiped about, having one’s secrets exposed, spreading rumors about oneself, or being eliminated from a group or activity ๐จโค๐๐จ This problem has various adverse effects on the health & psychosocial well-being of school students. Most sufferers are at higher risk of social exclusion, depression, isolation, self-harm, and even suicide ๐ฌ
But, paying attention to these circumstances finally led the authorities to help improve preventative interventions to reduce the incidence of victimization of LGBT students.
๐ณ๏ธ๐ Trivia
Schools should be safe and friendly places for all students. Strong strategies should be taken as a tremendous starting point for confirming LGBT students are well-supported in schools so that their backgrounds are happy, healthy, and educational.
Most schools offer legal regulations to manage bullying among students. These can encompass relationship-building activities, ethics growth, union networks, selecting teachers to supervise certain students, or mediation undertakings ๐จโค๐๐จ In cases contemplated seriously by the school, the perpetrator may have points reduced or even be suspended or rejected from a school ๐ฌ
Many schools have guidance counselors that could contribute individual assistance to victims of bullying. The teachers are trained relatively to gain more assistance to understand sexual/gender diversity problems ๐จโค๐๐จ In some schools, sex education is contributed as part of health studies ๐ฌ
Thailand evolves and enforces clear anti-bullying policies that cover students of all genders, create clear mechanisms for dealing with perpetrators, and do not differentiate on the sex, sexual orientation, or gender attitudes of either perpetrators or victims ๐จโค๐๐จ
Most importantly, Thailand creates safe spaces for LGBT students in schools and challenges existing beliefs among students, teachers, and parents about LGBT youth ๐ฌ Such as those indicating that they are unnatural, mentally abnormal, over-emotional, or prone to overstep school regulations.
We have rights as a student. Suppose our rights are being disobeyed by teachers, principals, or other students. In that case, we can inform the school officials, and please do so ๐นโค๏ธ๐น
Regardless of the religious beliefs of your friends, teachers, or community, you are entitled to the right to be free from intolerance and harassment ๐จโค๐๐จ No individual, be it a student or teacher, is entitled to subject you to harassment or discrimination based on your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, regardless of any personal religious beliefs they may hold.
Suppose anyone, even a teacher, is harassing you at school. In that case, the most crucial thing you can do is tell someone in charge, like your principal, vice-principal, or administrator ๐ฌ Keeping a journal is a useful way to document incidents of harassment or discrimination. In the journal, record details such as the date and time of the event, who was involved, what was said or done, whether you reported it to anyone, and whether the school took any action to stop it.
As long as your date meets the exact requirements as different-gender dates, you have the right to bring a same-gender partner to prom or school dances ๐จโค๐๐จ
You are entitled to protection, legal representation, and independence in foster care. You also have the right to be free from discrimination, bullying, violence, and derogatory remarks, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity. It is essential to know that you have the right to be shielded from any rumors and stereotypes that spread negative information about LGBTQ+ people.
In case any of your rights are violated, report it to an authoritative figure immediately. Social workers, foster parents, teachers, and officials have a responsibility to safeguard you from physical, emotional, and sexual harm, regardless of where it happens - in your foster home, school, or any other place ๐จโค๐๐จ
๐ณ๏ธ๐ Did you know?
The number of students who were victimized due to perceived or actual LGBT significance was higher in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok), the South, and the Northeast than in the Central or Northern regions.
School is potentially a challenging atmosphere for LGBT students. Students frequently do the bullying, but in some cases by teachers and other school staff ๐ฌ Look for a college where you can enjoy being who you are. Thailand is an LGBT-friendly country in all aspects. Excellent laws and people in the country will always protect us. Therefore, you are less likely to face bullying and misconduct as Thailand is a paradise for LGBTs ๐จโค๐๐จ
Jamie (Curious Bear)
Gabriel (Gay Bear)
Jordan (Bisexual Bear)